Realisation of customised templates

Realisation of customised templates

One of the tools used for the diagnosis of musculoskeletal pathologies caused by poor locomotor apparatus function, whether acute or chronic, of traumatic origin or due to alterations in postural control, is the biomechanical study and postural assessment.

Among the most frequent causes that can alter the biomechanical functions of gait, as we have mentioned, is the use of footwear. Each person has very different and unique structural characteristics, type of foot. Likewise, the type of work activity, sport, growth phase in paediatric age, elderly, person at risk, will also be taken into account in order to adapt the type of study to the patient’s characteristics and achieve the greatest final benefit. This is why we must pay attention to them so that the footwear adapts to the foot and not the foot to the shoe. This aspect will be taken into account so that the treatment carried out will be more effective if possible.

Personalised treatment

All treatments are individual and personalised, taking up very little space and always using top quality materials.

Periodic reviews

Each treatment is checked periodically to ensure proper function.

Modifiable templates

The templates are designed to be modified as required.


What do we offer you?


Personalised treatment


Biomechanical plantar orthoses


Postural plantar orthoses


Periodic reviews


Permanent or temporary application


Modifiable templates

Some of our work